Wholesale cloths
Buy professional microfiber cloths and dishcloths online to fight the most stubborn dirt. The quality of our home cleaning products such as professional microfiber cloths and our dishcloths ensures surprising results for cleaning your rooms. Perfect for all surfaces, the floor cloths you find on Euroingro boast a high capacity to absorb large quantities of water, while the microfiber cloths for house cleaning, characterized by very fine fibers, allow you to thoroughly degrease all surfaces without leaving any scratches and can be used both dry and wet. Just one click is enough to own them.
Wholesale Cloths Online ;
On Euroingro you will find many specific cloths for the different surfaces to be treated. From the universal microfiber cloth suitable for any surface, they do not leave streaks and can be used both dry and wet, to the glass cloth ideal for all those surfaces that need a solution that does not leave streaks and lint, but at the same time is delicate and not scratches. This aspect therefore makes it ideal for windows, mirrors and any glass object, to the dust cloth ideal for attracting and trapping dust from every surface of the house, to the cloth for computers and smartphones. small and delicate, they come in a convenient boxed package for easy use, to the microfiber and cotton floor cloth , they are able to ensure a double action. The microfiber will attract dirt, the cotton will make it easier to capture it but also easier to wring out the same. This solution is also perfect for any type of floor, from porcelain to parquet and many more.
Cloths wholesalers online in Prato ;
The wholesale shoes of Euroingro ensure amazing results for cleaning your rooms and are perfect for all surfaces. they are literally magical come and try them!